
On this page, you’ll find garments I’ve sewn for myself. Often I make each one multiple times (at least a test and a real garment, then often a variation or two) but there’s just one image here for each pattern. The link will take you to the post, which usually includes the variations.

Unfortunately, WP has removed the ability to add a title to each one which would be the pattern name. Instead, I’ve added a header, then a separator so you know which image belongs to it. Only the image is linked to the post.


Sorbetto by Colette sewn by Deborah Cooke


Mirri dress from Wardrobe by Me knit by Deborah Cooke

Vogue 8970

Vogue 8970 sewn in rayon print by Deborah Cooke

Jalie Rose

Jalie Rose sewn in Kaffe Fassett yarn-dyed stripes by Deborah Cooke

Vogue 8927

Vogue 8927 in V&A voile sewn by Deborah Cooke

Butterick 5537

purple cotton flannel robe from Butterick XXXX sewn by Deborah Cooke

Vogue 1477

Vogue 1477 sewn by Deborah Cooke