Tegna Pullover

Tegna by Caitlin Hunter

Tegna is a pullover designed by Caitlin Hunter. here’s the pattern picture – it looks like a lovely summer top, doesn’t it? I’ve linked the picture to the Ravelry page.

I cast this on with Koigu KPPPM bought at the tent sale last summer. The colourway is 534.

My “hmmm” comes from the colour of the yarn not the pattern. I’m just not sure I love it.

I’ve finished the lacy hem bit and am alternating between three skeins as I knit in the round.

Here it is, all bunched up on the needles:

Caitlin Hunter's Tegna knit by Deborah Cooke in Koigu KPPPM

Here’s the yarn in the skein – the top row are all the same colourway, but you can see the variation between them. I started with the lighter ones – this top is knit bottom-up – and will shift into the darker ones near the shoulders. I think that will be more flattering, but we’ll see.

yarn from the Koigu tent sale 2022

I suspect I had a fear of pooling, which was why I stopped. I’m going to carry on with this one and hope for the best. If it pools into a spiral, it’s going to be frogged!

And this year at the tent sale, I’m going to look for colourways that are closer to solid like those navy ones at the bottom left.

That’s the end of my on-the-needles review. Now I need to get knitting!

3 thoughts on “Tegna Pullover

    • Sorry I missed this comment! Yes, there’s a lot of variation, maybe because they’re handpainted. I’ve knit about 8″ of the body, alternating skeins, and it’s coming out well. 🙂

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