Gallery Pages

I’ve been meaning to add some gallery pages for a while and am finally getting around to it. They’re all under the new Knitting tab so far.

If there’s a blog post about the project, I’ve linked the image to it – if not, it says “no post”. That will remind me to get it done (maybe) and/or import it from my old blog. (I never did finish moving all the content over because there was so much of it.) I can’t believe I never posted about my finished Earth Stripe wrap – the pictures are all uploaded here, but I never wrote the post. I’ll get that done soon. It is so pretty.

And one day maybe I’ll become a better photographer…Ha!

I also created a tab there for my patterns, in case you’re on the hunt for them. Most are on Ravelry, but a couple are just here on the blog. They’re all free.

Moving Virtual House

For years, I’ve featured my knitting and sewing projects on my main book website once a week, on Fibre Friday. I thought it offered the readers of my books a bit of a peek into my other interests. It also was convenient to have everything in one place online. But, I’ve realized this is mucking up the SEO for my book website, so the crafty stuff is moving: books there and crafts here.

It’s going to take me a while to get it all moved and organized – moving virtual house has a lot of similarities to moving house in real life! I think it’ll be worth the effort, though.

You can, of course, follow the blog here,  subscribe to its RSS feed, or just bookmark the site and check back.